Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me - a day early

Today my coworkers surprised me with a beautiful cake and a lovely card. It was so sweet!  I'm taking the day off tomorrow so they surprised me a day earlier.

Here is the mastermind of the whole suprise, Rachel Curtis-Doliber!

This is the banner she made me for my cubicle. 

I love Mr. Potato Head so they had a Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head cake made for me. I love these guys!

This is what he looked like after we had eaten quite a bit.  I call him Picasso Mr. Potato Head!

And this is poor Mr. Potato Head at the end of his wonderful life!

I have the BEST coworkers!

1 comment:

  1. lol i am glad you had a good time and that i actually got to surprise it took a couple days to get the details straightened out with everyone but it worked out in the end!



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