Friday, May 25, 2012


My fifteen-year-old twin daughters went to prom this past weekend.  They are only freshman and were very excited when they learned they were allowed to go to the big dance.

Dress shopping was an experience that I'm glad only comes once a year.  I tried to avoid the whole standing-outside-the-dressing room-for-hours thing by ordering dresses online, but that didn't turn out all that great.  I ordered one dress on  I had to turn my head to see the picture, but it looked good.

Unfortunately, even though the measurements made it appear as though it would fit, it didn't.  Sooooooo, that was money wasted, and we had to go get another dress.

In the meantime, the other dress I ordered for my other daughter came in and IT FIT!  I was so relieved!  We purchased this one from and it's so pretty.

So Twin #2 had a beautiful dress tha fit perfectly and we still needed a dress for Twin #1.  So a-shopping we a-went.

I hit every single secondhand store we could find between my house and the nearest large metropolis, and Twin #1 tried on many, many dresses, but none of them were just right - this mama liked the prices, buuuuuut the teenager didn't like any of the dresses.  We ended up at the mall (I don't particularly hate malls, but I don't love them either), and we found THE DRESS in Debs (  I have to admit, it was perfect.  Here she is in THE DRESS, all ready for prom.

Isn't it beautiful?!  I love the whole high-low thing with it longer in the back and shorter in the front.  Twin #1 is a bit more casual than her sister so this gave her plenty of movement and she felt good in it.

This is Twin #2 in her dress.

She's so lovely! 

This is what they usually look like:

And this is what they looked like for prom:

They clean up pretty good don't they.

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